I sometimes get these letters that are ten pages, and handwritten, from women pouring their hearts out and, for security reasons, I can only respond with a headshot and'Dear so and so, be good. 有时候吧,一封信有十页这么长,还女粉丝掏心掏肺手写的。
The problem is that so much info will come pouring in so fast it can be hard to separate what is true what might be distorted by your feelings emotions. 问题在于太多信息扑面而来,你很难分清真伪,也很难在自己的个人情绪中保持公正。
For many, cooking can mean as little as turning on the oven or pouring a can of soup over rice, he says. 他说,对他们许多人而言,下厨就只不过是打开烤箱或浇一罐汤汁在米饭上。
Because the lower cap and the accommodating cap are both provided with openings, the pouring quantity of the articles in the bottle can be optionally accommodated; 由于下盖与调节盖皆设有开口,可以随意调节瓶内物体的倒出量;
If it's a massive overwhelming storm of adrenaline, calcium keeps pouring into the cells and the muscle just can't relax. 假如是大量的肾上腺激素涌入心脏,那么钙离子就会持续不断地涌入,从然而致使心肌连续收缩,得不到休息。
Pouring a glass of it here so you guys can get it quickly. 在这倒一杯,使你们能拿快点。
At this point, the flood is pouring in so fast you can't even see the barrier. 此时,洪水的速度如此迅猛,你几乎看不到障碍。
The mixture materials obtained by the pouring can meet thoroughly the requirement of pavement performance of mixture materials in heavy traffic road surface. 从适合的压实限制、压实空间、压实温度和压实作用等几个方面探讨了重载交通沥青混合料的压实特性。
The pouring tank can effectively reduce the contents of impurities and oxide in the aluminum liquid entering a rod mill, thus ensuring the quality of the aluminum rods. 本实用新型可以有效的减少进入轧杆机内的铝液中杂质及氧化物的含量,从而保证了铝杆的质量;
Pouring paint, oil or detergents down an outside drain can damage ecosystems and harm fish and other organisms. 涂料、油或清洁剂倒入户外的排水沟会破坏生态系统,危害鱼类和其他生物。
Police still pouring through the surveillance videos to see if they can spot whomever left the vehicle. 警方仍在仔细见擦汗监控录像,希望看到是谁放置的这辆车。
Mold to form a mold box with the bottom, stirred slurry by pouring foam and resting, the initial setting process of making the green body can be cut. 模框与底板形成一套模具,搅拌好的浆料通过浇注发泡、静养、初凝过程使之成为可以切割的坯体。
The better match between continuous preparation and intermitten pouring of the slurry can be realized by using the device for heating, holding, rapid two way switch control storage and transportation of the slurry in sealed protection. 封闭式加热保温、快开快关控制的浆料存储与输送装置,较好地解决了浆料连续制备与间歇压铸的配套;
Also provided a group of dynamic pouring process parameters, by which we can greatly abate the specific gravity segregation. 同时给出能减轻比重偏析的最优动态浇注工艺参数组合。
Using the system of the quantitative pouring with the electromagnetic pump can replace the traditional manual pouring and realize mechanization and automatization, and can depress the intensity of work of workers and increase the productivity of casting. 应用电磁泵定量浇注系统可以代替传统的人工浇注,实现机械化和自动化,可大大降低工人的劳动强度,提高铸件生产率。
Flow processes of molding, pouring and shakeout in the line can be operated not only independently but jointly. 铸钢件生产线的造型、浇注、落砂三道工序的流水作业,既能各自完全独立地运行,又能相互有机地联系在一起。
With the further promotion in our country of WTO, the market of our country is pouring into constantly foreign large-scale enterprise and products, the tobacco trade can't escape by luck outside the globalization competition pattern either; 随着WTO在我国的进一步深化,国外大型企业和产品不断涌入我国市场,烟草行业也不能幸免于全球化竞争格局之外;
This paper introduces that in the reinforced concrete structure, the shrinkage joint and post pouring belt can be eliminated by using UEA compensation shrinkage concrete and reasonably arranging the expansion belt, the engineering examples are attached. 介绍在钢筋混凝土结构中,采用UEA补偿收缩混凝土及合理设置膨胀带可取消伸缩缝和后浇带,并附有工程实例。
Using pneumatic induction pouring furnace with iron core in nodular iron production can delay nodularition degeneration reduce fluctuation of pouring temperature and composition. 有芯气压浇注炉用于球铁生产时能延迟球化衰退,减少浇注温度波动和成分波动。
Through taking decreasing pouring temperature used of external chill of plate type, taking 70 core and reasonable arrangement of pouring system the question of casting crack can be salved effectively. 为此,利用板形外冷铁降低浇注温度,采用70砂制芯及合理布置浇注系统,有效地解决了铸造裂纹问题。
The effect of the prefabrication preheated temperature and mound and the alloy pouring temperature on solidification can be supposed to influence the cooling velocity; 模具、预制块预热温度及合金液浇注温度对复合材料凝固过程的影响归结到对凝固冷却速度的影响上来;
It has proven that this construction method is feasible and the quality of concrete pouring can obtain a predicted result. 实践证明:这种施工方法切实可行,混凝土浇筑质量达到了预期的效果。
The temperature stress in the back pouring band of the platform concrete is monitored. The result shows that setting the back pouring band reasonably can reduce the effect on structure due to temperature stress. 对平台的后浇带温度应力进行监测,监测结果表明:合理地设置后浇带能有效地减少温度应力对结构影响。
The drilling hole pour pile's bearing capacity is slackened grievously because of sediment at bottom pile. Starch-pressing technology after pouring pile can effectively remove the sediment at bottom pile and improve the bearing capacity of the bottom of pile. 钻孔灌注桩施工过程中桩端沉渣大大弱化了桩的承载力,桩端采用后压浆技术能有效消除桩底沉渣,提高桩的承载力;
The quality precision of the aluminum alloy in squeezing casting with electromagnetic pump quantitative pouring can reach up to 2%. 结果表明,电磁泵定量浇注挤压铸件质量精度达到2%。
Author points out that through reducing pumping time, material control, temperature, pouring and maintenance control the crack and seepage can be prevented 指出通过降低混凝土入模时间、材料选材、温差控制、浇筑、养护各环节控制达到防止开裂、渗漏的目的
Also the continuous pouring can be realized. 同时实现连续浇筑。
The construction technique of the existing oval structure in pouring concrete is formwork worked with scaffolding. The formwork can not withstand the central force, which are difficult to construction and brings in security hidden trouble. 现有卵形结构混凝土浇筑中均采用传统的模板配合脚手架的施工工艺,模板自身不能承受环向力作用,使得施工难度大、安全隐患较多。
Recent studies show that this kind of structure can remove after pouring or sew through using shrinkage-compensating concrete. This method can not only shorten the duration but also obtain good effects on waterproof and shockproof. 近年来的研究表明,通过采用补偿收缩混凝土无缝设计和施工新方法,可以实现超长混凝土结构取消后浇带或不设缝目的,不但大大缩短工期,而且防水和抗震好。
The system of emotional pouring programs, can give full play to the advantages of mass media on the construction of a socialist harmonious society also has positive function and meaning. 对情感倾诉节目的系统研究,可以充分发挥大众传媒的优势,对构建社会主义和谐社会也具有积极的作用和意义。